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Beatles Fan Fiction

Do you have a fan-fic story that you want to put up or have it put up already but want me to host it? Well here are the details

Ok, So you have a fan-fiction story but have nowhere to put it. Well, I'll gladly put fut up on my site. All you have to do is email me the story as you would like it to be placed up on the internet. So if you want a blue background you have to tell me that. You should also put your name on the email so I can give you credit for your story. After I place it up, I will notify you and give you the URL of the story so you can check it out and tell me what you think of it's settings so I can get it right.

You already have the story up but want to bring trafffic to it. I can link your story on my site. All you have to do is send me an email with the Url of the story(and the banner HTML if you have one) and a summery of your story so I can put it up on here. This site is on a few search enigines so it should bring more people to your area of the web.